Many think that life is an race.,, but it is more a beautiful journey . 
It is a race for an Athlete,
It is a war for Warrior,
It is an art for the Creator,
It is an story for the Writer , 
it is an test for the Failures.,, 
what i wanted to tell is,it just depends on the way we look at it . In this marathon , few will have endpoint very nearer and for many it takes time. On the way to reach the other side of the court you will face many obstacles, many hurdles , you just need to keep all them aside and go ahead ,Only then you can reach your goal. Life is like an "trail and error" concept "Try and try untill you achieve it ". 

Sometimes there might be an imbalance between your personal and professional career , keep calm ,stay away from people , enjoy your company, know your thoughts and come back again. Don't get distracted to any other things. 

Time doesn't stop at any point, it just moves on.. Adjust with that time and move on guys, someday you will be at a great height !!


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